It depends. Food affects everyone differently. When I decided that I was a runner, I started to become curious about how my body recovered and felt during running as a result of what I ate. If you really pay attention, it's amazing what you will figure out about the link between what you eat and how you feel. I found out that I'm sensitive to dairy*. Dairy foods are highly inflammatory to me. So much, that when I cut dairy out of my diet, my cold-induced asthma completely went away. Cutting dairy out of my diet actually allowed me to become an all seasons runner. I was suddenly able to run through the cold of winter. I felt like I had a new body, one that was able to move. I am grateful every day that I am healthy and able to run because I know what it feels like to gasp for breath, trying to run.
For me, a primarily plant-based diet works the best. It makes sense. High quality plant foods are nutrient-dense, packed with antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. In contrast, animal foods are highly inflammatory and contain artery-clogging saturated fat. That said, I think that it's ok to occasionally add in animal foods if you crave them. I ate strictly plant-based for two years and I saw the benefits (much quicker recovery after longer running efforts), but I also made my Mom sad because I turned down her cooking. Currently, I focus on getting as many plant foods as I can into my daily eating, but if there's a family event, I will partake in animal foods for the social aspect of eating. My kids also generally enjoy eating meat, so I usually cook meat once a week so they don't feel as if I'm forcing them into an exclusively plant-based diet. I know that restricting foods can lead to disordered eating, but I also understand and admire those who choose to eat cruelty-free and with less impact on the environment.
*I am forever grateful to my good friend, Lee Yonish, who took me through a food cleanse so that I could figure out which foods I was sensitive too. Lee now makes healthy, nutrient-dense, delicious meals. If you're local to Princeton, please check out The Simple Stove.
