Feeling a high level of stoke this morning. It's been awhile since I ran back to back long runs. Yesterday was 12 miles and today was 8 miles. My legs felt great. Heart rate was even at MAF overall, which means my body was ready for the two longer back to back efforts. I felt great for the entire run and it was my favorite running weather (high 30sF, still, overcast). I'm sure it helped that yesterday I had plenty of active recovery followed by time to ice and foam roll. It was so quiet this morning- I think I only saw 5 people until I got onto campus and even then, not a ton of people. I did the entire run as a run/walk (5 minutes running followed by 1 minute fast walking). I think that mentally, run/walk is giving me permission to pick up the pace during the run sections. Because I'm allowed to take walk breaks, I don't feel like I have to conserve as much and I can start the run at a faster pace. Just like yesterday, the run went by quickly. Weird to look down and see that I had already gone 5 miles, when it felt like I had only run 3 miles. That's always a great feeling. Also, today, I decided not to run any of my usual running routes. I totally winged it. Ventured onto a few new streets and made a very convoluted route that I'd have a hard time replicating.

Winging it
The back to back long runs are the foundation of training for ultras. It's all about training the body to run on tired legs. I was also surprised to see that I don't get a rest day until Wednesday. I have 5 miles tomorrow and then an interval workout (5 x 5 mins at HM pace with 1 min recovery between sets) on Tuesday. Hoping my body will adapt well to adding another day of running.